Wednesday, September 2, 2009

what do you want to do?

What do you want to be when you grow up? A question that every child is asked at multiple points in their lives. I was asked a similar version of this question yesterday. What do you want to do with your life? Quite the question to ask a person who spends her days playing with her dog, coloring, watching cartoons and playing with moon sand. Always before I've said I want to help people but I never really knew how. Now though things are different. Now I have Indy. My answer to that question I want to volunteer at the stable where I ride, I want to take Indy to be a therapy dog at the children's ward at the hospital eventually and most of all I want to help make it so that what I went through as a child in school with an undiagnosed disability doesn't happen to others.

I have two young nephews and a niece and I don't want them to go through what I did the bullying, the fear, the trouble from grown ups who are supposed to make it better but think your just being difficult. I don't know how yet but I want to make a difference to kids like me. That's what I want to do when I grow up.

Chloe and Indy


  1. I just want to let you know that I will help all I can.

    I love your blog Chloe! I think that it is great that others can come and read and learn.

    Much Love,
    The Mumma

  2. Chloe- Rest assured you have already made quite a difference in the lives of 2 special little girls! They love you to peices!
    I am so glad to hear that Indy is helping you in so many ways. We are very proud of you for taking some chances and exploring the things that Indy can help you do. Dannan is dying to come meet your new furry side kick. We have a surprise for Indy, too. Need to come see you soon.
    Keep up the writing, we will keep reading!
    Auntie Roxanne, Uncle Mike, Mikhaila and Dannan

  3. Beautiful and worthwhile goals Chloe! Good for you.

    To Indy, Woof!

  4. I'm so proud of you. You make a difference in every life you touch. Can't wait to meet Indy. Keep writing.

    Love Auntie Kathy
