Thursday, January 28, 2010

Good Bye for awhile

Okay so it's been a while since I wrote. I apologize. And it's going to be even longer I just don't know what to write any more and it's really bugging me so I'm going to take February off At least a bit of it. So I'll try writing again in march.

Chloe and Indy

Sunday, January 3, 2010

No Pictures Please!

So Mama, Indy and I went to Church this morning, Got there early visited just a normal time at church, then at greeting a lady tried twice to pet Indy talking about how much he looked like her dog, wouldn't really listen when we asked her to please not pet. (The rules are a little different at church then say the mall but not that much) Then she asked if he was mom's dog(I was wearing the leash!) and could she take a picture? well that just threw me off. I've never been asked that before and no one has asked who he belongs to before. It blew me away.
Chloe and Indy