Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Aspergers, Autism, and Me

My Doctors and my Counselor say I have Aspergers Syndrome. Which as some people know is a form of high functioning autism. But what my parents and I call my disability or disorder as some pro fer to call it and I don't wish to offend anyone. Differs depending on the day and the situation. My family knows I have aspergers and that it's on the autism spectrum. But If I'm having a really bad day, or someone asks what type of service dog I have or the most popular question, is that a seeing eye dog? I tell them no, He's a autism service dog I'm autistic. or as I say tistic, on rough days or with strangers I tend to lose some vowels.

I suppose what I'm trying to do here is explain how the spectrum affects me. And what it means to me. I know people are looking for a cure. and that's okay as long as they don't try to force it on others. Because if I was offered a cure I probably wouldn't take it. Being on the spectrum isn't what makes me me but it is a part of me. And I've spent 19 years like this I don't always like it but I was made this way for a reason, and it's probably a good reason. I mean the big guy up stairs doesn't make mistakes. So the least I can do is live the life he gave me.

Well Indy's telling me it's time to go to sleep
so I'll come back to this subject again another time

Chloe and Indy


  1. You are absolutely not a mistake Chloe. If I could I'd take away my daughter's anxiety and fear, but not her autism.I love who she is and how she percieves things. I don't love watching her struggle though.
