Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hello world

Well figuring out what to say is difficult. I'm doing this so I can have a record of how much Indy and I grow together. So that in a few weeks, few months, or a year I can look back and see how far we've come. And I guess this way there is something for people getting a service dog to see, That doesn't just tell the good parts because not everything can be wonderful.
I guess the best way to start is by introducing my self and Indy. I'm Chloe I'm the youngest of three by 15 and 14 years and I'm also the only one of my siblings with a disability or should I say a couple disabilities.

I have Aspergers syndrome, General Anxiety and Panic Disorder, Severe Social Phobia, Asthma and Mild Cerebral Palsy.

I started looking into a service dog because it was suggested to me. We looked into a few places before we found Helping Paws Canada. They totally got it and understood what I needed seven months later here I am, with a new best friend who follows me everywhere. They taught him his basic obedience and to stand behind me when in line so I don't get crowded, to crawl on my lap for deep pressure and to interrupt when I stimm, as well as to alert to loud sounds, and pick up my cane.

Indypendence Orville (Indy) came home August 1st and boy was I surprised to see his trainers vehicle coming up the road I wasn't expecting him for another thirty days! I must of been the happiest girl in the world in that moment.

There has been alot of adjusting to do though on all parts. My cat doesn't like him at all and has moved out of my room and hisses when ever she sees him. It's alot to get used going out with Indy as well. People will sometimes whisper about the dog in the store or the library or wherever you are, or they try to pet him with out asking which really bothers me. But with Indy's help I've done things that havn't happend in years like eating in at mcdonalds or going on a walk by myself.

And he isn't always working he loves to play fetch would do it all the time if you'd let him and sqeaky balls anything that squeaks he is in love with.

Well that's it for now.

Chloe and Indy

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