Saturday, March 27, 2010

Darn these modern manners

You've heard me rant before about people coming up and asking about Indy. It's inevitable how often do you see a dog in the library or the mall? And I don't mind some questions like: What breed is he, where did he come from. The questions that bug me are the ones that go something like this: Is he a seeing eye dog? Are you training him? Are you blind? Why do you have him?
What I wish I could say to that. does he have a harness? do you not see the certified patch on his vest? Would I be in the library? and what makes it your business? but unfortunately my parents raised me polite.

My Counselor told me this week that the set of questions that drives me crazy are both reasonable and polite. I hate to tell her this but she's been out voted. I've asked my folks they don't think it's polite and parents win over other authority figure any time. Besides I may be curious about why the lady across the library is in a wheelchair but I'm not going to go up and ask her about it. So why should they be allowed to ask me about my assistive device which just happens to be alive and have four feet a tail and a really cold nose. Makes no sense to me but then the modern world rarely does.

excuse my rant

Chloe and Indy

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Yep you read that right T-shirts. You see I hear a lot of comments when I'm out with Indy, and they're not always what I see as favorable. Comments like "there's a seeing eye dog" "is she blind?" "Whats wrong with her" and "are you training him?"
I'm tired of those comments and I figure a snarky t-shirt or two might help cut down on the comments, or at least it would make me feel better. But what should these T-shirts say?
Here are a few of my favorites.
I know we're a cute couple but you don't have to stare

He's mine he's also fully trained can't you read the cape? (on the back) or don't you know what certified means ( Yeah I know not very polite but who can be polite all the time?)

I'm not blind do you see him wearing a guide dog harness?

I'm not blind I have Aspergers Syndrome

I'm not blind I'm on the spectrum

Yes he's cute but no you can't touch him

what part of don't distract the working dog don't you understand?

Well that's all I've got so far. Anyone else have any ideas?

Chloe and Indy