Saturday, July 24, 2010

We're Heeere

Well we did get to have breakfast with Aunt K Grandma B and Grandpa D yesterday which was good. Grandma B and Grandpa D haven't seen me since before I hit double digits. I'm always surprised when I see people I haven't seen for years I always expect to look the same, but of course they don't.

Then about 4 hours into our drive we stopped to visit with Auntie M and my favorite Uncle A, then it was another 2 hour drive till we got here.

We checked into our hotel and had KFC for dinner then mama went to see Grandfather and smooth things over with the hospital about Indy coming with me.

Grandfather is on a C-Pap machine all the time now along with extra oxygen. He's also really weak still But that is what we expected I suppose. I'd better go get ready we're gonna go run a couple errands for him I think and then Go visit Grandfather.

Chloe and Indy

Friday, July 23, 2010

On the road again

Can't wait to get on the road again. The guy who wrote that song must have been nuts. Wait a minute I forgot that he was going places that he'd never been, maybe it's different when you do that. because when you drive down the same stretch of highway that you've been down dozens of times before most of them for the similar reason of a family crisis, the scenery gets kind of boring her a tree there a tree here another tree, here a field of canola there a field of canola here another field of canola. Every now and then broken up by a bridge a hill or a river.

Last night we stopped in a city for the night about 7 driving hours to our goal, we have 5 hours of driving left today. But it's not all bad news last night I got to see my Aunt K who I haven't seen in years(she's my mama's best friend from childhood. they've known each other since they were 12 can you believe it?) And I also got to see miss J who went and worked with me at camp and worked about 4 summers with me. our inside joke is that she's known me since I couldn't walk.

Today we MAY have breakfast with Aunt K, Grandma B, and Grandpa D if they are still in town.
Then we'll drive our 5 hours and hope to get to where we're going before visiting hours are over at the hospital. We talked to my Grandfathers wife yesterday and he's out of ICU but he's stuck on bed rest and very weak. To tell the truth I'm not sure that he's going to make it.

Then tomorrow I'll get to go see Grandfather and I'll also go see my great-grandmother and my uncle V both of home live in a lodge. Great-Grandma has been complaining that I never see her. we're over ten hours away but that doesn't mean much. Even though she says that I'm the only one who calls. well I've got to go get ready to go.

Chloe and Indy

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

In which I wish I could help

Mama got a phone call today while I was at the cancer society stuffing envelopes. Her father is in ICU. Mama may or may not have to go up to help out. When I was younger there would have been no question about weather or not I was going. I would have been going. But now that's different, now I'm able to stay home by myself. now I act more autistic then when I was younger (or do we just understand it better? but that is a post for another time) I want to go not so much to see my grandfather but to help my mother, and to see my great grandmother. But what will happen will be what is best for everybody even if it doesn't feel like it. I just wish I could help.

Chloe and Indy

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Nobody's Perfect

Not you, not Mom, not Dad, certainly not me, and not even Indy. He tries so hard but he's only canine. And there is only one perfect being in the world! The one who watches over us all! But back to my original topic nobody is perfect. Though we try so hard to be. Indy tries his hardest but sometimes he can't help sniffing that shelf or looking at that new person. Or ignoring mama and daddy when they tell him to do something after all they are not his girl and therefore not tops on his priority list.

Certainly I feel like everyone is looking when he decides to show his mind in public by not listening right away. But I've learned that most people understand after all even though he is wonderful and amazing and the best thing on four legs he is still a dog and dogs don't always listen.

That's all for now folks

Chloe and Indy

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Summer Camp

Heaven on earth. For people at least Indy didn't think so. After the first 3 days I settled in to camp life. Got used to the new routines, the odd rules(singing at the dinner table), the noise level and the the crowds. On the morning of the first day Indy started with dhiaria and continued with that until he was picked up on day four. So I'm sad to say that Indy will not be going back to camp next year. I however most likely will. Day one was loud and busy and I clung to Indy till my aide talked to me and we decided that it was to overwhelming for him and he should go to our room. Day two we cooked over a fire and went swimming and rock climbing. and guess who got 2 thirds of the way to the top?!? Indy spent most of his time playing and napping in our room so it really will be better for him not to go next year. but I will miss him tons. It's quite the choice deciding to be away from him for that long but mama and daddy think camp is good for me and they say that he will enjoy the break
Chloe and Indy

Sunday, July 4, 2010

My apologies

Long time no type I'm sorry. But I've been super busy. Volunteering at the cancer society rolling coin. getting ready and then going to summer camp. actually I just got back from camp on Saturday. But you'll get a longer post on that later.
My topic tonight is explaining. I made a friend at camp, who only lives five hours away so that's not too far. But with new friends especially friends not on the spectrum come questions. They come from the friend and from the friends parent's because said friend is in a situation similar to me with what I believe to be different diagnoses.
So how do I explain Chloe? One thing is like my friend Lydia from Autistic Speaks I sound different on paper I sound more collected. I don't stammer and stutter on paper. In person I'm shy. and I hide behind other people I know like my mama, sister, or aide. I have mild cerebral Palsy but it's not severe enough to put me in a wheelchair. I still deal with the after affects of a conversion disorder, so I use a walker or cane at times, though I am also sometimes capable of being mobile on my own power. In fact I played a couple games of tag at camp this weekend as proof. I have Asthma but I'm able to handle it mostly independently with only a little bit of help. Is this the explanation that is needed or do we need another one? if anyone has had to explain their special needs or their child's help would be appreciated!

Chloe and Indy